How Niarra Travel came to be

Our story

Niarra was born not from a light bulb moment but a creeping realisation that change is overdue. The clock is ticking on traditional tourism models that serve profit before purpose and where destinations, communities, and conservation projects receive a fraction of client fees. The entire travel industry value chain needs to work together for greater equity and positive impact.  Travellers are increasingly searching for transparency, a real impact, and destinations are more vocal in their needs.

The need for change was clarified and catalysed by Covid-19.

Recognizing this opportunity to shake things up, Niarra was founded in 2020 by a small, experienced team with the support of the Oppenheimer Generations community. Operating on two leading principles, transparency and purpose, Niarra creates unforgettable trips to inspiring places while directing more tourism revenue to the people and communities protecting our increasingly fragile natural world. In doing so, we hope to send a ripple of change throughout the industry.

Since launching, the team has grown with members based across the UK and South Africa, planning incredible trips around the world, from pan-African epics to yachting in Indonesia, tracking tigers in India and unforgettable hikes in Patagonia, with our equitable model meaning hundreds of thousands more dollars have stayed in destination.

Baby gorilla seen on a trekking safari
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