Maasai Mara National Reserve

Rekero Camp


Riverside action

Overlooking a crossing point on Talek River in Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve, Rekero Camp is in a prime position when it comes to witnessing the world-famous Great Migration.

It is a classic, comfortable camp with nine tents set among the trees along the riverbank. Two are larger family tents and all feature en suite bathrooms with hot showers and a daybed on your private veranda for a midday snooze or to watch zebras ambling along the riverbank. Dining and lounge tents also make the most of the views.

While on game drives with Maasai guides, keep your eyes open for prides of lion waking up for a night of hunting, cheetah scanning the sun-bleached plains from atop a termite mound and elephants drinking at a waterhole.


At a glance

  • Nine tents

  • Lounge and dining tents

  • Viewing deck

  • Open June to March

AF Kenya Maasai Mara National Reserve Rekero Camp Library


  • Rekero Camp Lioness

    Game drives

    Shared vehicle game drives are available from Rekero in the morning, afternoon or as a full-day option. The game drives can be tailored to your particular interest but, for enhanced flexibility, booking a private vehicle is recommended.

  • 11 olakira migration camp hot air balloon

    Hot air ballooning

    Balloon safaris are a romantic and iconic way of experiencing the wilderness of East Africa, as you fly silently over the plains teeming with herds of wildlife in the early morning.

  • Sunset rekero img 6905 highres

    Family safaris

    Guides here are great with kids. Many of them are parents themselves and love taking children on safari. They can teach them bush skills such as how to track animals, while telling Maasai folktales and stories about life in the Mara.

Community & Culture

Through its mother company Asilia, Rekero is currently sponsoring a livestock grazing plan project where the local people are sensitized on sustainable grazing and livestock model based on rotationally land use grazing plans. There is also an awareness creation and mentoring program for nearby schools (Olesere and Mbitin primary schools) whereby students are offered game drives and classes on wildlife and nature conservation issues.


Asilia supports a number of wildlife monitoring initiatives in the Mara region. This includes the Mara Predator and Mara Cheetah projects, involving visitors and guides to monitor the cats, record sightings and other information for the projects.


Asilia, which has been carbon neutral since 2009, runs sustainable operations by installing solar power systems and solar water boilers in its camps. Their carbon offsetting includes safari vehicles, their global offices’ electricity usage and even international flights taken by management. They have reduced their plastic waste by 63% over the last four years. Instead of plastic bottles, guests are given personalized stainless steel bottles. They eliminated single-use plastics in 2018 and even cling film and earbuds are not allowed in camp.

The camp is built with a low environmental footprint and blends in with the local surrounding with minimized footprint. The camp is mainly powered by solar energy which is fixed with a power inverter battery system. They also utilize sustainable water and waste management processes.

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